
Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Volume entitled; "Note sur les moteurs a petrole pour sous-marins"

Survey data for the area of Hodbarrow Mine, Cumberland

Kompleks kompensator, system Gall. Fabrikat H. Tinsley & Co., London. Betjeningsforskrift og beskrivelse

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Bestemmelse af afledningen i en lang sporisolation ved hjaelp af emperemeter og voltmeter

Volume entitled: "Harmonograms"

Drawing of broad wheeled Sussex waggon as used in the counties Sussex & Kent, Southern England circa 1700-1930

Volume entitled: "Structural Air Raid Protection in England and Abroad"

Volume entitled: "Nachbildung der ersten Rotations Dampfmaschine mit Kondensation aus dem Jahre 1788 von James Watt by Eugen Loher"

Folder entitled: "Notes on the Qattara Power Scheme"

‘The Proceedings of The Institution of Electrical Engineers’

'Radio Division 37 Staff Statistics'

Elevation of Steel Bulkhead

Works photographic negative of cable being fed into a manhole, Paisley

Works photographic negative of cable trench, Stalybridge.

Works photographic negative of cable trench, Stalybridge

Works photographic negative of distribution pillar

Works photographic negative of men in store, Stalybridge.

Works photographic negative of distribution pillar

Works photographic negative of men with tower wagon, Newport

Works photographic negative of a team of men laying cable, Stalybridge

Works photographic negative of a Christmas card sketch

Works photographic negative of distribution pillar

Works photographic negative of men laying cable in troughing, Stalybridge

Works photographic negative of sections of power house chain grate

Works photographic negative of men laying cable, Bournemouth

Works photographic negative of men laying cable in troughing, Stalybridge

Works photographic negative of men laying cable in troughing, Stalybridge

Works photographic negative of electric powered crane, Lancashire

Works photographic negative of cleat on pit wall, possibly Newport

Works photographic negative of a vertical cable in cleat on pit shaft

Works photographic negative of men laying cable, Kettering

Works photographic negative of cable laying, Kettering

Works photographic negative of men laying cable

Works photographic negative of entrance to basement, Todmorden

Works photographic negative of cables clipped to ceiling, LCC

Works photographic negative of blade switches, Lancashire

Works photographic negative of cables clipped to ceiling, LCC

Works photographic negative of cables clipped to ceiling, LCC

Works photographic negative of cables clipped to ceiling, LCC

Works photographic negative of men laying cable, Swindon

Works photographic negative of cables in trench along railway, Lancashire & Yorkshire electrification

Works photographic negative of junction box, Lancashire & Yorkshire electrification

Works photographic negative of cables on railway bridge girder, Lancashire & Yorkshire electrification

Works photographic negative of cables supported on brackets, Manchester

Works photographic negative of cable laying, Todmorden

Works photographic negative of cable joints in trough, Todmorden

Works photographic negative of man beside filled-in trench